Category: Pregnancy

You Are In 34 Week of Pregnancy

You Are In 34 Week of Pregnancy

This week of pregnancy is when both mother and baby will start to gain a good amount of weight. Women, due to the uterus pushing up on the organs, you may experience shortness of...

What To Expect Thirty Three Weeks Pregnant

What To Expect Thirty Three Weeks Pregnant

Okay ladies. Welcome to week thirty-three. We promised you a newsletter about pain relief and not just the “hee-hee-hoo” kind. This week’s newsletter is for all you girls that just don’t like pain or...

32 Weeks Pregnant: Pregnancy Week By Week

32 Weeks Pregnant: Pregnancy Week By Week

Hello moms-to-be. We are excited to see you have made it to week thirty-two. We know that some of you gals are planning to have a natural childbirth, one free of pain medications and...

What Happened In 31 Weeks Pregnant

What Happened In 31 Weeks Pregnant

This is the week of fast weight gain for both the new mom to be and the baby. The baby’s are mature by now and the baby can open and close their eyes by...

Development of Baby in 27 Week of Pregnancy

Development of Baby in 27 Week of Pregnancy

Baby baby, it’s getting a little cramped in there. Your baby is really pushing the boundaries of its accommodation and your uterus needs to expand a little more everyday just to fit it all...

What To Expect In Twenty Six Weeks Pregnant

What To Expect In Twenty Six Weeks Pregnant

You are twenty-six weeks pregnant now. Next week you will start your third trimester You may have most of your baby’s items purchased or you may still be scrambling to purchase everything. Many moms...

Pregnancy Symptoms In 25 Week

Pregnancy Symptoms In 25 Week

Can you believe you are twenty-five weeks pregnant now? Do you remember at the start of your pregnancy, you never thought you’d make it through the first trimester. Now you are almost ready for...