Baldness in Women: Why You Should be Concerned
The global haircare market is worth nearly $100 billion, and a significant portion of that is dedicated to products that stimulate hair growth.
Whereas baldness in men is usually accepted as a natural part of aging, women have a more difficult time with baldness. If you’re noticing thinning hair or patches of baldness, you should pay attention. It’s not just about aesthetics; baldness in women indicates imbalance within your body.

You’ve come to the right place if you want to understand, prevent, or treat your hair loss. We’re here with a brief and educational guide that’ll tell you everything you need to know about why you should prioritize hair health.
Read on to find out more.
Baldness in Women isn’t Normal
Some shedding of hair is normal, but it’s easy to freak out when you see multiple strands on your hairbrush. However, you should know that it’s normal to lose between 50-150 hairs per day.
This is simply because your hair goes through growth, transition, and resting phases. In the resting phase, you’ll lose hair.
However, there is cause for concern if you’re losing more than 150 hairs per day. Major hair thinning and female pattern baldness is indicators that something isn’t functioning optimally within your body.
Although it can be linked to genetics, this is far less common than hereditary baldness in men. If you’re losing hair, you should take stock of your overall health and lifestyle to try and identify the problem.
Indicates Hormonal Imbalance
A hormonal imbalance is one of the most common reasons for hair loss in women. The main hormones that may be at play are high testosterone (sex hormone), high cortisol (stress hormone), and high thyroid hormone (metabolism regulator).
Even if you’re comfortable with thinning hair, you shouldn’t ignore it because these hormones will give you myriad adverse symptoms when they’re out of balance. Thinning hair is just one indicator that your body needs some attention.
A Product of Your Lifestyle and Environment
Hair is also susceptible to your lifestyle and environment. Extreme stress can cause significant hair loss, as can vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Before considering an extreme hair loss treatment, think about whether there are any aspects of your lifestyle, mental health, and diet that need to be improved.
It can take up to a year for your hair to restore its natural state. While you wait for your thick locks to return, you can use the best shampoo for hair loss to help regrow your hair.
Revive Your Luscious Locks Today
So, that’s the whistlestop tour to baldness in women and why it’s more than just an aesthetic problem. But, don’t worry; if you prioritize your health, hormonal balance, and environment, your hair will soon be back to its healthy state.
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