The Meaning Behind Tiger Tattoos
Nowadays, the number of people who are getting a tiger tattoo is increasing. This might be because these animals are slowly joining the list of the world’s endangered species. In fact, there is currently only less than 5,000 tigers which can be found in Asia. This study is supported by the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation. But this number does not yet include the amount of endangered tigers in the whole world. And today, there are more groups which are being formed in order to help conserve and protect the tigers which still exist.
But the growing number of people getting the animal permanently inked on their bodies is not only because of their support to these groups. Having a tattoo of a tiger is a common representation for many things such as strength and power. This could be because the normal reaction of people upon seeing tigers is that they feel scared and show a great amount of respect for it. Aside from this representation, they could also show vitality, courage, and passion. Normally, when someone decides to get a tattoo of the animal on his body, he can identify with the characteristics of the great animal.
Aside from those powerful depictions of the animal, it can also mean passion, sensuality, pride, and beauty. For the Japanese Samurai, tigers were once used as a crest. If you have decided to get this tattoo design, you must remember that it is intended to have a large size. Normally, the body part where this is tattooed to is the bicep. This might be because it means strength.
In Asia the tiger is associated with might of kings and power which is a position similar to Lion tattoos and designs that are accepted in European Countries and Middle East. Though it is a symbol of predator but the tiger has some greater significance than being simply a predator. For instance in Indian Culture the Tiger is often seen as savior of good from the evil, a destroyer of bad as the Hindu Goddess rides on it to kill the Evil Power and save the world and heaven from the Rakshasas. It is also seen as power of god Shiva as he rides on tiger or sits on tiger skin.
In Korean culture Tiger is considered the King of all animals and hence they find greater significance in this culture. Many Korean tattoos and designs are with the tiger showed in different positions. The tiger cubs also find importance with the tiger tattoos. Though it is usually seen as a power of strength, destruction and violence, yet the tiger can be a symbol of continuity of life, the law of nature where it makes a balance of ecosystem and a part of it.
Tiger Tattoo Symbolism:
Tigers can have many different meanings. They are associated with power, ferocity, passion, and sensuality. Sometimes they are used to represent a person’s driving force or urges in life. A caged or defeated tiger can be used to symbolize the containment or sublimation of those urges. On the other hand, tigers can also symbolize femininity, power, anger, vengeance, and cunning. Asian cultures have different symbolism and mythologies attached to tigers. For the most part, tigers are seen as symbols of power and strength, but they also can be used to represent violence and destruction. Koreans believe that the tiger is the “King of the Animals.” In China, the images of tigers are used to ward off evil.