8 Useful Tips for Newborn Baby Belly Button Care
As a new mom, you’re undoubtedly learning on the job as you tend to your new baby’s needs, from feeding and bathing to changing diapers. After your baby’s birth, your midwife will put a plastic clamp or tie on the umbilical stump. The clamp will be taken off after a day or two, when the stump has dried and sealed.
This area is delicate and will need a little extra attention until the cord stump naturally falls off around two weeks after birth. Following this, the belly button itself also needs some more care, of course. So, before you find out whether your new baby has an inny or an outy, make sure you apply the correct newborn belly button care.
Newborn Umbilical Cord Care – Best Tips
- Wash your hands before handling the cord stump, and avoid touching it whenever possible.
- Avoid keeping it in a warm, humid environment. The aim is for the cord to dry and eventually separate (drop off), an environment that is warm or sweaty will delay this.
- Stick to sponge baths: They’ll help keep your baby clean without submerging the stump in water, which could increase the risk for infection. If the stump does get wet, fan it dry instead of rubbing, to prevent irritation.
- After dropping off the cord, swelling, moisture and continuous yellow green pus around the area means its umbilical granulosa. It can be treated with medicine or even stitches might be required.
- Make sure the stump dries properly after bathing. The stump will dry and heal much faster if you expose it to air as much as possible. So try not to cover it with plastic pants and nappies. Fold nappies down and away from the stump if you can.
- Dip a cotton wool ball in the water and gently wipe the whole area around the stump, using a new cotton wool ball every time. Never use a dry cotton wool ball as these can leave fibers, which can cause irritation to your babies delicate skin and in some cases lead to infection.
- The diaper should be tied below the navel and the upper shirt should be of loose fitting. Avoid under shirt until the cord drops off. Cloths of the baby should be properly washed and hygienic.
- See the doctor as soon as possible if your baby’s belly gets hot, red or swollen, and she has a fever or is otherwise unwell. Your baby might need antibiotics.
With the help of proper awareness and understanding, new parents can handle the care of this delicate and sensitive area of a new born baby.