1 Week Pregnant | Pregnancy Calendar Week by Week

{YBA} 1 Week Pregnant – Pregnancy Stages Week 1

Many women who become pregnant for the first time start to count down their pregnancy from the time the pregnancy is confirmed. But once you start reading all of baby books and reading all of the websites, you will know that the very first week of pregnancy starts the moment the egg is fertilized. Many women believe that pregnancy is 40 weeks but it is actually 42.

That is why when you do confirm the pregnancy that the doctor gives you a two-week window. It is hard to pinpoint with accuracy the moment the time you miss your next period. The pregnancy really officially starts the second week when fertilization occurs.

Even though it counts as being pregnant, you really won’t be to feel any changes. You can do your daily routines, exercise and do everything you what you would normally do. If you suspect that you are pregnant and have been trying, it would be a good idea to stop smoking (if you are a smoker) and stop drinking alcohol. Some women have pregnancy symptoms right away and some women it actually takes a confirmation before they experience any symptoms.

Fetal Development – Pregnancy Week 1

It’s been a momentous past couple of days – even if you don’t know it yet. At some point roughly 1.5 – 3.5 million sperm took aim at your fallopian tubes and one superior little seed hit the target spot on. The now fertilized egg is still inside your fallopian tube and is already merging with the sperm to become a zygote.

Cell multiplication is occuring at an astonishingly rapid rate. Your little zygote will spend the next 7-10 days dividing and multiplying as they slowly descend into the uterus, where it will nestle into the already cozy blood-rich uterine wall. The implantation process may result in a little spotting for some, caused by the sloughing off of uterine wall at the implantation site. This is perfectly natural and not a cause for concern. When your little zygote is finally implanted, it is a blastocyst measuring about 0.1 – 0.2 mm. This will be your baby’s spatially-challenged home for the next 38-40 weeks.

Mom to be?

Your body is clever enough to recognizing this dynamic little zygote and is already producing Early Pregnancy Factor (EPF) protein, an immunosuppressant which will effectively keep your body from rejecting your growing zygote. What’s more, you’ll continue to produce estrogen and progesterone ceasing You won’t … express any other of the main symptoms of pregnancy at this point, but … soon your hormones will be fluctuating more intensely than any other time in your life. further ovulation.

You won’t feel nauseous or express any other of the main symptoms of pregnancy at this point, but get ready: soon your hormones will be fluctuating more intensely than any other time in your life and you and everyone close to you will be noticing. If you’ve been planning this pregnancy and have been monitoring your morning basal body temperature, you will see that your temperature remains elevated beyond day 16 of your Luteal Phase (post ovulation). This will be the first physiological sign that you’re pregnant!

Signs of ovulation

A comprehensive list of the signs of ovulation follows below, but it is important to keep in mind that many women only notice one or two of these biological signals.

  • Change in cervical fluid
  • Change in cervical position
  • Dull ache or pain on one side of abdomen
  • Light spotting
  • Increased libido
  • Breast tenderness
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Heightened sense of vision, smell or taste

Bleeding lasting five to seven days

This is the last period you’ll be having for a while. Not only will you stop having a period while you’re pregnant, but if you breastfeed your baby that will postpone your period for another few months. If you use sanitary pads, don’t toss them out — you’ll need them after you give birth to absorb the vaginal discharge and bleeding (which for the first week or so after childbirth will be similar to a heavy menstrual period).

What To Expect

The first week of pregnancy, there really is nothing to expect as far as what you can see and feel. You will want to start off the pregnancy the right way, start eating the right foods and that doesn’t mean that you have to go completely healthy. Increase fruits and vegetables and drink more orange juice for Folic Acid. Take prenatal vitamins and try cutting down on caffeine. Stop smoking and cut out alcohol. If you want to start early but exercising to help the pregnancy go smoother.

Ask your doctor to help you plan out a diet and exercise plan. You don’t have to go crazy but the healthier you eat and stay in shape; you may experience fewer problems during pregnancy. Don’t go crazy, just a simple exercise plan would do just fine.


Even though the first week of pregnancy can be pretty uneventful at least as far as you are concerned. But here are some tips and advice that you can try. Don’t panic about becoming a Mom, you have 42 weeks to worry. Talk to your doctor and discuss every concern that you have. They will not think you are nuts by asking questions about what to expect down the line. Most new moms’ are excited and they want to start shopping and planning baby showers right away.

Slow down, 42 weeks is a long time and in some experiences when new moms get caught up in the excitement it can make 42 weeks seem like 42 months. Choose one baby book, they all pretty much say the same thing anyway. Take each week one week at a time. Before you know it you will be at 40 weeks. Most women believe in not telling people for 3 months until they pass the first trimester and other women can’t wait to tell. Talk to your significant other and you decide when you want to share the happy news. The last and most important piece of advice is don’t stress! Relax and enjoy the pregnancy.

Starting your pregnancy diet

Even though conception has not yet occurred, starting your pregnancy diet now will give you a chance to get adjusted and help give your baby a healthy start!

For a healthy pregnancy you should be eating 3-4 servings of low fat diary, 2-3 servings of protein (from a lean source), 6 or more servings of breads and grains (whole wheat is best!), 5 or more servings of fruit (organic, if possible), and 2-3 servings of fats and oils.

You should also be avoiding toxic substances, like cigarettes and alcohol, and potentially harmful foods like fish high in mercury, deli meats, soft cheeses, and unpasteurized milk.

Have a caffeine habit?

This is a great time to start cutting down on caffeine. Although some studies do show that caffeine in moderation is OK during pregnancy, some studies show that large amounts of caffeine consumption may be related to miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight and even withdrawal symptoms in infants.

Since caffeine is a diuretic, it helps eliminate fluids from the body. This can result in not only water loss, but calcium loss as well. While pregnant, it is important that you drink plenty of water, juice or milk and not soda, coffee or tea. It is generally accepted that your caffeine intake should be limited to fewer than 300 mg per day during your pregnancy.

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