Acne Prevention: Pimples Treatment Tips and Information

Acne prevention often becomes essential during our teenage years. It can cause great distress and embarrassment at an age when young people are very concerned about how they look. Almost no teenager and many an adult on drugs like lithium is spared a prolonged period of acne problems. Pubescent girls need to pay greater attention to acne prevention because of the hormonal upsurges associated with the onset of menstruation.

Increased hormonal activity is the root cause of acne occurrence. This in turn causes excess oil production in the skin’s sebaceous glands. It is a sad fact that the areas most affected by acne are those that are almost constantly visible with today’s youthful fashion trends. Most acne prevention and control compounds contain specific compounds to address the problem. The packaging will indicate the presence of these compounds.

One of these is benzoyl peroxide (sometimes in combination with the antibiotic erythromycin). The popular Clearasil contains this agent. These acne controls aren’t difficult and they won’t cost you a lot of money. For most people, the best acne prevention starts with natural products, and natural acne prevention methods.

Causes of Acne:

A simple case of acne can tear away at a person’s self confidence, leave scarring that further causes problems, and can even lead to cases of depression and more. With close to 90% of teens, and many adults, struggling with this affliction at some point in their life there is a need for real acne prevention methods. Luckily there are ways that can help you to prevent acne.

What Not to Eat for Acne Prevention:

When it comes to acne, the term, you are what you eat, really does apply. If you eat greasy foods, that grease does come out in the skin and it only makes acne worse. There are two main groups of foods that you should avoid while trying to find acne controls that work.

Greasy Foods:

Avoid fast foods that are cooked in vegetable oils. These types of foods, besides being generally bad for your health, work against you in acne control. Skip that burger and fries and try an apple or a carrot.

Sugary Foods:

Eating lots of sugar changes your blood sugar level which affects your androgen levels (the hormone responsible for acne) negatively. Avoid that chocolate bar or other high sugar food. It may seem like a sacrifice, but going without sweets will actually make you feel better in the long run, as well as helping to prevent acne.

What to Eat to Prevent Acne:

Green Vegetables:

Along with having excellent vitamin content, green vegetables have high fiber content. Fiber is responsible for managing waste within the body. When your body is better able to get rid of the stuff it doesn’t need, your entire body is better able to heal from, and deal with problems. Green vegetables are the first of the foods to prevent acne.

Food with Vitamin A:

Healthy skin is important in acne prevention. Since vitamin A is responsible for keeping your skin healthy, eating foods that are high in A content will work as an acne control. Carrots, spinach, kale, and most green vegetables contain this vitamin.

Protein Intake:

Protein is an important part of acne control. In this case you will want to get more protein from white meats and fish, than from red meat.

Natural Acne Prevention:

Now that you’re eating right let’s talk about natural acne prevention. Too many people run to the drug store and pick up the latest chemical treatment; the one that some company paid millions to advertise on TV to tell you that they work. The truth is that most commercial acne products do not work.

The best way to prevent acne is using natural methods. We’ve already talked about diet let’s cover a few more ideas that can help.

Stay Fit:

Exercise is an important part of keeping your body healthy, and your hormones regulated. A daily exercise regime will help to reduce future outbreaks. Be sure to wash your face after you sweat to prevent pores from getting clogged with dirt, but do exercise regularly.

Choose Skin Products Carefully:

For proper acne prevention you will need high quality skin care products. Alcohol based cleanser, or abrasive scrubs can irritate your skin and further aggravate your acne. The best products for natural acne prevention include good quality soap, and a high quality (non-greasy) moisturizer. Choosing better products will help your skin to stay healthy. This is actually a very important step in acne prevention.

Find a Treatment and Stick With it:

Another problem many people have is that they try hundreds of different treatments. When one doesn’t work, they switch to another the next day. There is no such thing as a quick fix for acne!

Instead of wasting your time and money with different treatment methods, choose one and stick with it. Monitor your diet, exercise regularly, and use natural acne prevention methods. Within a few weeks you will begin to see results, but it won’t happen overnight.

Avoid Constant Touching or Picking at Your Face:

The last thing to mention is touching or picking at your face. Your hands are full of bacteria, and when you’re constantly touching your face that bacteria gets into your pores. This will cause more zits. Popping the zits can also cause serious scarring.

Acne may seem like a major issue, but it doesn’t have to me. If you follow our guide to acne prevention you’ll soon find those blemishes beginning to clear up. With your cleaner, fresher look you can get your confidence back and be rid your acne problems for good.

Acne Prevention Tips:

  1. Use an astringent to remove the excess oil.
  2. Although moisturizing is not advisable on a daily basis, oil-free moisturizers can be applied if your skin is rough after washing.
  3. It is advisable to choose water-based products, rather than products containing oil or petroleum.
  4. Apply a honey mask once a week. Honey is regarded as a disinfectant and also it has medicinal properties believed to heal minor blemishes. It has the properties of destroying the bacteria present in the skin.
  5. It is advisable to wash your face at least twice a day with sulfur-based soap. Once when you wake up and again when you go to bed. Do not scrub; just give it a smooth touch. Washing your skin over and over again will create more trouble than help you.
  6. If you have long hair it is advisable to cut it short. Your hair contains oil and when you move, the dust particles do mix up with your hair and when your hair bangs on your face or neck or forehead or the affected area, the situation could worsen. Also wash your hair on a daily basis.
  7. Take a multi-vitamin daily. Your skin needs proper nutrition.
  8. It is advisable to take a chromium supplement once a day, as it will heal your pimples quickly.
  9. Vitamin A protects the skin and prevents acne. It also helps reduce sebum production.
  10. While going to bed make sure to remove your makeup and it is also advisable not to use any kind of cold cream and lotions. If you really want to wear makeup, make sure that it is water-based.
  11. Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. Water helps in cleaning and hydrating the skin and maintaining overall health.
  12. If you eat a high-fiber, low-fat diet you are less likely to have problems with acne.

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1 Response

  1. Annie May says:

    Thanks so much for this information. You have some great content here and is really beneficial for acne sufferers!