Natural Hair Care With Aloe Vera
The hair undergoes a continuous process. When the growth phase ends, between 4 and 6 years, cell reproduction of the base of the follicle stops, the root thickness gradually lost and the cells that are above the cauldron are undergoing cornification. Finally, the stem separates from the pan and the hair falls out. Before they shed, it initiates the formation of a new hair at the base of the follicle.
Each hair consists of a root located on a hair follicle and a stem that grows above the surface of the epidermis. Each hair contains keratin, a tough and very elastic material, which produce hair follicles. Each follicle is the sebaceous glands that lubricate the hair surface. The scalp is composed of connective tissue and blood vessels, which provide the substances needed for hair growth.
If you have long hair and feel that you need for further conditioning, use only about half the amount of conditioner that you normally would. For short hair that needs more conditioning, after you wash your hair, take half a teaspoon of Aloe Vera and run it through your hair with your fingers. Let it stand for a few minutes and then rinse it out.
Aloe Vera and Advantages
A message of Aloe Vera oil on your scalp increases the blood circulation. It gives you relief and feeling of being fresh by removing the stress and anxiety. Aloe Vera has been particularly used by Native Americans and in South Asia, and you can find more people with healthy hair in these regions of the world.
Aloe Vera Jojoba Shampoo
Jojoba shampoo of Aloe Vera is good for hair treatment. It cleans your hair and gives required nourishment as well. Use it for a few days and you will notice that your hair gets shine and soft. The hair fall will also stop over a period of time. Ensure that you use the Aloe Vera products regularly. Use it properly as has been specified in the instructions. For example, do not apply on scalp if it is said so.
If you follow the instructions carefully, you will see the improvement. If you think that you have been applying it properly, and see no improvement over a period of time, see your physician. There is every possibility that either you might not be applying the product properly, or your hair is not responding to that particular product.
Apart from benefits for your hair, Aloe Vera oil gives cooling effect to your scalp. It is good to deal with dandruff as well and keeps your scalp healthy.
Conditioner and Moisturizer
Aloe vera can replace traditional hair conditioners and make hair shinier. Massage 1/2 tsp. of aloe vera gel into wet hair, let it set for one minute and rinse as usual. Additionally, if you are using powdered hair dye, aloe vera gel can be mixed with the solution beforehand to combat the drying properties of the dye.
Aloe Vera Hair Gel
Beyond simply using pure aloe vera gel, there are also a few Aloe Vera hair gels on the market. These hair gels are not shampoos. They are specifically designed for treating excessive hair loss. Additionally, they are also a good treatment for scaly/itchy scalps, oily hair and dandruff. Typically, Aloe Vera hair gels contain no preservatives or coloring agents. They are non-greasy, easy to apply and leave no lingering smell.
Years of research have gone into perfecting Aloe Vera hair gels and the results can be quite exceptional, especially in the treatment of seborrhoea. Seborrhoea is caused by the accumulation on the skin of sebum which mixes with dirt and forms a distinct incrustation. It is most commonly seen on the head and may interfere with the nutrition your hair receives, causing partial baldness.
Hair Growth
In addition to halting hair loss, aloe vera is believed to promote the growth of new hair. Aloe vera balances PH levels and stimulates scalp enzymes, which in turn prompts hair growth. To gain this benefit, massage aloe vera into the scalp and leave in for 30 minutes before rinsing. Over time, the scalp will shed the dead hair follicles and new hair follicles will grow in their place.
Hair Loss and Aloe Vera
If you are concerned about consistent hair fall, get some Aloe Vera. Apply Aloe Vera gel on your scalp. You are suggested to consult a skin specialist to deal with any side effects of applying this. This stops your hair from falling down as it strengthens your hair. Your hair will get shiny and give the look of healthy as well.
Visit any store and look for any Aloe Vera based shampoos, oils, and conditioners. Read the ingredients carefully, and the instructions on how to apply these. Also, there are different products for different kinds of hair. Select carefully for what kind of product your hair require.
Aloe Vera is beneficial for your hair for many reasons. Not only hat the hair stop falling, or that these get healthy, it is good for your scalp as well. Even media had highlighted its benefits and Aloe Vera products are advertised over different mediums.
Aloe vera has thousands of years taking care of hair, if it is not effective, the use will die down. We believe in the effective of this product. However, we may recommend that you try the various preparations so that you will know which one of the huge selection will benefit your hair well.