What is PDO Thread Treatment and When Do You Need One?

Thread treatments are becoming one of the preferred anti-ageing procedures done worldwide. Although it may look strange, this non-invasive treatment uses soluble threads that help lift and tighten facial skin.

Compared with the two soluble threads used in skin lifting, polydioxanone or PDO works best for skin rejuvenation. The PDO thread treatment is often used in conjunction with the PicoWay laser procedure to optimise results. The latter can treat scars and dark spots and remove tattoos, making it indispensable in clinics worldwide. There are clinics offering technologies like PicoWay in Sydney.

If you’re curious about PDO thread lifting and wondering whether you’re qualified for the procedure, read on to find answers.

What PDO thread treatment is 

Individuals over the age of 70 will lose about 80% of their skin and muscle volume. This process, which starts earlier, is linked to the body’s reduced ability to produce collagen. Collagen is a protein significantly found in the skin, cartilage, bones and muscles. It connects tissues and gives skin a healthy and supple look. With less collagen, the body becomes susceptible to sagging. Thus, some turn to facelift surgery to address skin problems.

As not everyone would like to go under the knife, technology made it possible to address skin ageing issues using non-invasive procedures such as thread lifting. There are three different products used widely in lifting treatments. Polydioxanone (PDO) thread uses polyester sutures and is just one of the three methods. The PDO threads are recommended for mild to moderate cases, while polycaprolactone (PCA) and polylactic acid (PLA) are better for intermediate to severe cases of sagging. Of the three, PDO has been around the longest and continues to be used on surgical wounds and incisions.

There are three types of PDO threads, each with slightly different functions.

  • PDO cog threads feature barbs, which look like tiny hooks that support and lift facial skin. These threads are ideal for moderate facelifting procedures. 
  • PDO mono threads don’t have hooks and work mainly to promote collagen production while helping renew the skin. They work best for skin tightening with little lifting needs. 
  • PDO screw threads are interconnected threads that add volume to the recessed sections of the skin. They’re effective for moderate facelifting requirements.

The doctor will strategically place threads on a patient’s face for maximum effect during a skin lifting procedure. These threads are manufactured from a colourless polyester that naturally dissolves in the body after about six months.

How PDO thread lifting works

Once the dermatologist places the threads in their proper locations, these will stimulate your body to manufacture collagen and elastin. As collagen is responsible for skin elasticity and structure, more of them means reduced wrinkles and plumper skin, making your skin look firmer and younger. 

In addition, the PDO threads will visibly lift the skin and get rid of your loose facial skin. The PDO threads also effectively tighten and lift the skin more subtly. The PDO thread lifting works to promote your body’s collagen production while performing an instant mechanical action to eliminate sagging and wrinkles temporarily. Besides the brief downtime, one of the best things about this procedure is that you don’t have to wait long for the results.

Apart from the instant lifting mechanism, the patient will also experience improvements in their skin over time. As long as the sutures are in place, the body’s healing process continues to work and produces collagen to treat the affected areas and eliminate the threads.

Who may need PDO thread treatments

Apart from surgery, there are several ways to make you look younger, and this procedure is one of them. Dramatic results can only be achieved with surgery, so thread lifts are generally recommended for people experiencing mild to moderate skin sagging. A surgeon should otherwise address more severe problems.

The ideal candidates for PDO thread treatment include people from 35 to 55 years. Older patients may still undergo this non-invasive treatment if surgery isn’t possible. However, these patients should have realistic expectations about the outcome.

It’s also important to note that PDO and other lifting treatments only produce temporary results. As the body will absorb the threads after a few months, the impact is expected to wear down in one to three years. Those satisfied with the results of the PDO lifting can have it renewed in a few years. Comparatively, results from facelift surgery can last for several years.

The bottom line

The PDO thread treatment is an effective way to keep a few years off your age. It works to lift your skin while gradually repairing it. As a non-invasive procedure, thread lifting can be an excellent option for adult patients under 60, or those who can’t go under the knife.

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