15 Creative European Street Art Ideas
Street art is not exactly the easiest thing to define, as one of its main characteristics is that it cannot be crammed within limits, patterns or borders. Europe is the real home of street art and modern art. But do you know that almost each European country has its own distinct flavors in street art?
In this article, we’ve gathered together the work of our favorite inspirational street artists, featuring some well-known faces, as well as some you may not have heard of – but will want to hear more about. You may be interested in the following posts: Bat Nail Art Designs, Amazing Diamond Jewelry Trends, Latest Party Dresses For Kids and Home Remedies for Adult Acne.
1. Athens and European Street Art
2. Amazing European Street Art
3. Banksy & London Street Art
4. Hyuro European Street Art
5. Animal Graffiti Street Art
6. Angela Merkel and Julia Gillard Enjoy European and Australian Teamwork
7. Planet Bizzle – 3D Street Art
8. GoEuro European Street Art Header
9. Animal Graffiti Street Art – Golberz
10. European Tourism – Italian Independence
11. Inkie European Street Art
12. Exotic European Street Art Characters
13. Inappropriate Disney Street Art
14. Bukruk Street Art Festival
15. 3D Street Art for Blur
We would love to hear your feedback, so please don’t hesitate to comment below. If you have interesting examples, tell us about it in the comments.