Herbs Used For Weight Loss: Lose Weight With Herbs
There is a special branch of today’s phytotherapy called diet herbal medicine, which can offer many potent solutions to those who struggle to shed some extra lbs. Diet herbal medicine uses various kinds of herbs, plants and their extracts in order to create effective mixtures, herbal teas and preparations, which can activate certain processes in your body and assist in combating weight problems.
However, specialists emphasize on the fact that herbal remedies for weight loss should be used and expected to bring positive effects only in combination with other techniques of weight loss, such as physical exercises, eating a rich and healthy diet, avoiding junk food, and so on.
If you find it difficult to lose weight, herbs for weight loss may be of great help to you. For centuries, herbs have been used as a natural remedy for everything from a common cold to losing weight. Because every body and lifestyles are different, one type of herb may work better for you that other when it comes to weight loss or appetite suppression that’s why it is best to opt for a comprehensive bled that has multiple effective herbs for weight control.
Weight loss herbs are for you, for all of you that want to reduce weight. Just a word of caution, anything in excess is bad so keep it down though the temptation to take more and lose more has a tendency to carry you away. Also, do consult your doctor before taking or trying any of the following weight loss herbs as they may harm you if you have any allergies or any preexisting medical conditions. Here is a list of some weight loss herbs that can help you lose weight by targeting separate weight related parameters.
Popular Weight Loss Herbs
- Dandelion
- Cascara Sagrada
- Licorice
- Garcinia
- Green Tea
- Chitosan
- Aloe Vera
- Guarana
- Guar Gum
Herbs for Weight Loss
Some herbal ingredients like L-Methionine work with your liver to improve your fat burning abilities. Others, like Hoodia, an ancient remedy, are focused on suppressing your appetite and food cravings. Typically, when people have less to eat, the body is starved for fuel and it begins to burn fat at a faster rate.
Herbal ingredients and supplements have also proven to be successful in improving the proper balance of blood sugar levels that play a key role in regulating the metabolic system. For example, limiting Starch’s ability to turn into sugar and being deposited in the body.
Guarana is a diuretic that’s useful in helping you lose weight. It also stimulates the nervous system and helps you fight depression and cope with stress. Guarana thus helps you to avoid emotional eating, one of the chief causes of weight gain.
The seed of the flax plant has a coating of mucilage. This coating swells when exposed to water. If you soak whole flaxseeds in water and eat them, they act as bulking agents in your stomach and give you a feeling of fullness. They are neither digested nor absorbed by the body when soaked whole. By giving you a feeling of fullness, they prevent you from overeating and help you lose weight.
Ephedra boosts your body’s metabolism, helping it to burn fat more rapidly. It also increases the energy levels of your body and is a very effective aid in the fight against fat. However, it is banned from use in the United States.
Weight loss herbs should be used in correct proportions in order to balance your bodily systems. It’s best to take them under proper guidance for maximum effectiveness in a weight loss program.
Root – Root word (no pun intended) is derived from the idea that it has the appearance of the form of a human. Mandrake is commonly a dark root red in tint and tastes very bitter. Used as a mild laxative for constipation. Aides the liver. Use Fresh crushed for rituals and/or incantations. Dehydrated and powdered or ground used with other Herbs will help purify the blood from toxins.
Black Walnut:
(Julgans nigra) Identity: Hulls – Good for different types of skin problems. Contains: Iodine – Uses – Fresh crushed or Dehydrated powdered or ground will draw out infections especially when used with Echinacea and Goldenseal. Good for parasite elimination. If you can get past the taste, brushing your teeth with Black Walnut will help restore the enamel. Just don’t eat a lemon afterward.
Herb – Ahhh, the value of Chickweed. Though under rated, it is limited in its uses. As a diuretic its medicinal properties aide the assimilation of other Herbs and help them process and dissolve of fat. Very high in Vitamin C. May be used as an external scrub for acne.
Contains: Vitamin C, Phosphorus. Uses – Dehydrated powdered or ground. Sprinkle in salads. It has a mild taste but use too much and it will make a yummy salad or dressing taste blah.
Fennel is a fiber. It binds the necessary elements to officiate elimination. It is high in Omega 3 Fatty Acid. It will provide the oils needed to make elimination effective and easy. As it works its way through the system it will scrape the colon walls of old build up waste and take it with it on its way out. Fennel normalizes appetite, decreases or increases as needed.
Contains: Potassium, Sodium, Sulfur. Uses – Whole; Split; Dehydrated powdered or ground. Bagged for tea; drink warm small sips 1 cup every 4 hrs will release gas and help relieve heartburn. Good for digestive disorders and obesity.
Hawthorn Berries:
Berries – Blue Berries make yummy pies, why not Hawthorn Berries? They’re ugly and hard and not tasty at all. If you look at them when they are still green on the bush, they look just like a human heart. Funny, that is one of the main uses of the Hawthorn Berry; to strengthen the heart.
Why use them in this recipe? They’re relaxing to the system and easy on the heart. Have you noticed when eliminating, your heart palpitates faster and/or harder? Do you feel exhausted? That’s because the heart has to work harder. Hawthorn Berries enhance endurance, energy and vitality.
Contains: Vitamin C, – Uses: Whole; Split; Dehydrated powdered or ground. Use in other Herbal Remedies as recommended.
Ephedra boosts your body’s metabolism, helping it to burn fat more rapidly. It also increases the energy levels of your body and is a very effective aid in the fight against fat. However, it is banned from use in the United States.
Weight loss herbs should be used in correct proportions in order to balance your bodily systems. It’s best to take them under proper guidance for maximum effectiveness in a weight loss program.
Supportive herbal therapy is recommended to the majority of people who are working on losing weight in order to keep their overall health under control. Morover, you can also use the herbs, which can help you boost your energy, reduce fatigue and get motivated for physical activities (like Ginkgo Biloba, peppermint and so on).
Together with your therapist, you can create a special program and choose, what herbs and in what forms (capsules, extracts, herbal mixtures, etc.) would be the best to use, taking into account your particular health condition. Do not put yourself at a risk, experiment carefully and observe the results! This way diet herbal medicine can help you make yourself healthy and fit much faster!