6 Fun Gifts Ideas for Your Child’s Christmas
Christmas is nearly upon us again, and it is time to think about gifts to buy for your loved ones.
Children get so excited as Xmas approaches and are at bursting point by the time it arrives. Sometimes it can be tricky knowing what to buy for them to ensure that the gift matches their level of enthusiasm, so here are some ideas of what to buy your pride and joy this festive season.

Sensational Sensory Gifts
Young children learn and develop through sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing.
Sensory toys such as water sand tables are an excellent present for small children as they will love digging in the sand, running it through their tiny fingers, and plunging their action figures in and out of pools of water. These tables will provide your wee one with hours of fun inside the home and in the garden.
Indulge your child’s sense of touch with some slime or putty. If your child is school-age, you could buy them a slime-making kit so they can enjoy creating glittery slime. Bubble tubes make a wonderful gift as they look amazing as a piece of decor in your child’s room, as well as being great fun and stimulating to look at. These large perspex tubes are filled with bubbly liquid that lights up and changes color when touched. The effect is very relaxing and will entertain an excited kid for hours.
Rad Ride-Ons
Kids riding around the neighborhood on their new bikes are a common sight on Xmas morning. If your little one is ready to get mobile, you could ask Santa to bring them a set of wheels for Xmas.
Little people will love a trike that they can steer and pedal, but a grown-up can ultimately control that via a long handle, and they can be pushed along when their little legs become tired. Small ride-ons in the shape of automobiles, animals, Princess carriages, and farm vehicles are fabulous presents to give, and your tiny offspring will want to take them everywhere with them.
As children grow and become too big for ride-ones, they can use a balance bike that will help them hone their balance skills before progressing to a proper bicycle.
Cool Creative Kits
Most kids love to cut, paste, color in, paint and draw, so a craft set or some pens and pencils will never go amiss.
You can buy some creative presents such as jewelry making, crystal collage, foil engraving, paint by numbers, crystal growing, sewing, and plaster casting kits. These are a great way of entertaining your child on a rainy day or as a project you can complete together.
Creative kids with a techie streak may appreciate a 3D printer to develop and advance their skills. Purchasing such a machine may pull on most people’s purse strings, but it is well worth the purchase.
Bodacious Board Games
Many of us love to get the whole family together to play a board game on Christmas Day – kids love to see their grandparents making a fool of themselves as they try to express themselves through mime or receive a shaving foam pie in the face when they lose a game.
Pieface, Speak Out, and Twister are fantastic games every family should own when in need of some silly, childish japes. Whereas Articulate, Pictionary, and special edition Trivial Pursuits offer a more sensible and educational gaming experience.
Amazing Action Figures
Action figures such as Barbie, Marvel characters, Star Wars figures, and WWE dolls have always been top of the list of kids’ most wanted Xmas gifts, so delight at the smile on your child’s face when they unwrap the latest Batman action figure.
You could enhance their collection of Paw Patrol figures by gifting them the Paw Patrol Mission Cruiser or Sky’s Rescue Helicopter. Fans of LOL dolls will love to unwrap the new LOL Clubhouse or OMG House of Surprises on Christmas morning.
Exquisite Electronics
There’s no avoiding it; many kids these days are hooked on electronic devices such as cell phones, iPads, and tablets. So if constant begging displays have worn you down, perhaps it is time to think about buying them the latest Amazon Kindle Fire tablet or iPad.
Tech-minded kids will appreciate receiving a gift that challenges their mental and creative abilities, such as a build-it-yourself Meccano robot or a micro-electronics kit complete with wires, resistors, capacitors, and transistors so your child can make their own lights, loud-speakers, and alarms.