The 12 Perfect Natural Skin Care Tips for Glowing Skin

Millions of dollars are spent daily on skin care products that claim to be all natural. Most of the time they are not, but there’s a reason why they claim to be: because consumers are aware that natural is better.

Healthy and supple skin is not so much of a dream if you take proper precautions and pay attention to your diet and exercise. Balanced diet, hydration and protecting from sun and wind should be a part of your daily regimen.

Here are the four basic steps to skin care that are mandatory and cannot be skipped on any account, if you want a naturally glowing skin. It is important that you use the products according to your skin type. You have to pay attention to the order of the steps too:

Natural Skin Care Tips for Glowing Skin

Following natural beauty tips will be handy in maintaining the health and glow of the skin.

  1. Food like nuts, sprouts and egg yolk are rich in biotin that helps in maintaining healthy skin.
  2. Food rich in omega 3 fatty acids like tuna, salmon etc are also beneficial.
  3. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day keeps the skin cells hydrated and makes the skin smooth and supple.
  4. Avoid eating junk food which is not only bad for your skin but also for  your health. Do not eat fried foods. Avoid Maida and white bread instead take brown bread, whole grains and oat bran. Use brown rice instead of white.
  5. Drink 2-3 glasses of warm water the first thing in the morning which will prevent constipation and therefore will have an effect on your skin or you can  take a glass of warm lemon juice with a tsp of honey.
  6. Powder of orange peels (available in the market) mixed with rose water can be used to exfoliate your skin.
  7. Improve your circulation and notice better quality skin. Improving your circulation can be as simple as moving around more often. If you spend most of the day sitting at your desk, then set aside a few moments every 30 minutes or so to get up, move around and increase your blood flow. This will prevent cellulite, skin puffiness and acne.
  8. Coconut oil, applied topically, is highly effective at moisturizing, exfoliating, delaying wrinkles and firming sagging skin. Pick up a tub and use regularly to reap the benefits.
  9. Applying honey to the skin can create a soothing and smoothing facial to moisturize your skin. Add some oats or some wheat germ oil to help exfoliate.
  10. Have a healthy diet. One of the best home remedies for fair, bright, and glowing skin is by eating fibrous food such fruits and vegetables. Eating whole wheat bread, nuts, and dried fruits is also an effective way to attain healthy skin.
  11. Healthy concoctions. Do herbal and organic concoctions such as lemon juice with salt, egg white mask, and other similar alternative mixtures.
  12. Applying mashed carrots and beetroots on the skin makes it soft and supple. Drinking the juices of these vegetables is also beneficial for the skin.

I am sure that if you follow at least some of these tips, you will have a soft and velvety skin. Each skin type is different, so you can find out what suits your skin best and follow it. All the best and have a wonderful skin. Enjoyed this article? Think your friends and followers would like it, too? Then please share this page using the Share buttons.

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